Pasamos de la pobreza a la prosperidad
Qué hacemos
Hacemos que las personas pasen de la pobreza a la prosperidad a través de grupos de autosuficiencia en los barrios.
Graduados de MBS
Embajadores Exitosos
Maestros en Malí
Mali. “Co-founder of Interweave Solutions, Lynn Curtis, recently had the privilege of traveling to the great country of Mali. Upon his return, he had so many wonderful stories to share about the wonderful people he met and the experiences he was able to share with them. There were over 5 villages represented during the course trainings, reliance groups were started, a womens association developed, and over 20 participants graduated from the MBS program.”
“Millones de personas tendrán mejores Ingresos, mejores hogares y mejores comunidades.”
Interweave Solutions es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) reconocida por el IRS, y todas las donaciones a Interweave Solutions son deducibles de impuestos de acuerdo con las regulaciones del IRS.