Counseling in the Streets
Wellness and Emotional Self-Reliance

At different times we all feel sad or alone. The number of individuals who suffer from mental health issues is growing world-wide. Mental health professionals do what they can but there are several difficulties for struggling individuals to get the help they need — a lack of services, costs, and even finding a counselor they trust.
Counseling in the Streets (CIS) provides a viable, sustainable option that can help those who suffer with mental health issues. CIS is also for those who would like to help and support those family members and friends who struggle, and anyone who would like to become more emotionally self-reliant.

Community wellness groups, led by local facilitators yields amazing results. While mental health professionals are doing the best they can, they are limited in numbers. However, by training local individuals in basic counseling techniques, providing them with a wellness program guide, and helping them organize and run community wellness groups, more people can be reached while at the same time developing supportive connections with others in their own communities.
Members of these wellness groups serve as “peer counselors” for each other. As group members reach out to and help those in their wellness groups, they in-turn help themselves in their own struggles.
With user-friendly, participatory materials, training and consultation, Counseling in the Streets empowers local neighborhood-level leaders to become group facilitators and peer counselors. Through this innovative approach, CIS enables individuals, families and partner organizations to provide self-directed, interactive and highly-effective therapeutic and emotional support for anyone who may be experiencing mental health or emotional struggles.

Although Interweave Solutions’ original focus was to create this resource for developing countries, mental health professionals from the United States are also requesting access to Counseling in the Streets to use with their clients. We have seen remarkable success in our local community groups and schools throughout the United States as well as Africa, South America and India and many ore countries around the world.
Upon completion of the Counseling in the Streets course, participants will become “Certified Wellness Facilitators.” These facilitators will then be able to create new or augment existing self-reliance groups with the CIS wellness curriculum.
Counseling in the Streets is also a gateway to Interweave Solutions literacy and business self-reliance curriculum and vice versa. Interweave Solutions’ conversational approach that has been so successful with business startups around the world has given birth to an excellent opportunity for people to continue their conversations regarding emotional literacy.
Please contact Interweave Solutions to learn how you or your organization can initiate your own Counseling in the Streets program.