MBS Certificates: 117
MBS JR Certificates: 0
Success Ambassadors

Alifotse Kodzo Mawukoenya

Gisele Maklawè Pre

Azedzi K Ganyo

Koffi Dodzi Afokpa
Anani Kouegan
Gbedvi Mawuena
Tozo Kokou
Messeko Koffi
Sanwogou K. Tiempo
Toye Komi
Impact of the MBS course in Togo
Participants are asked to complete a self-evaluation before and after completing the MBS course. The following report demonstrates the impact of the MBS course based on the evaluation results in Togo.
Agree/Disagree | Before/After
I have my own business. | 57% / 83%
I have a plan to improve my personal life. | 25% / 90%
I serve in my community. | 52% / 83%
I save money regularly. | 20% / 89%
My family spends less than we earn. | 13% / 89%
My family can afford the basic necessities of life. | 25% / 89%
I keep business records. | 7% / 90%
My business has improved because of the MBS course. | 0% / 95%
My income has increased because of the MBS course. | 0% / 96%
Togo Success Stories

MBS Course Brings Welcome Changes
Togo. My name is Wolanyo Kossi Mivedesome alias Malix Magloire, I am a cultural journalist, director of a rural radio in my area, audiovisual producer, and voice over coach. I really appreciated this program because it changed my life in general. With all that I learned as I evolved in the course, I notice a […]

“They all are so happy”
Lome, Togo. After receiving his Success Ambassador certification only a few months ago, Azedzi Ganyo worked hard to gather his friends and colleagues, tell them how the MBS program had impacted his life, and invite them to have a similar experience by joining his new MBS group. Some people came, and some even brought their friends, […]

Making a difference outside of business
Lome, Togo. There are over 360,000 orphans in Togo, due to many health and economic conditions. One MBS group in Togo recognized the need of these children and decided to build their community service project around them. They arrived at the orphanage and assisted in cleaning and organizing the home, as well as provided food and […]

Rapid Progress in Togo
Togo. A couple months ago we shared some pictures of the MBS group in Togo. Since that inicial push, we have seen incredible progress throughout Togo and just recently certified 7 more Success Ambassadors in the country! We are excited, both with the quantitative growth as well as the quality of dedicated and hardworking Success Ambassadors […]

The First MBS Group in Togo
Lomé, Togo. Success Ambassadors in Benin have been training a man in the MBS course from the neighboring country of Togo. Now this participant has become a Success Ambassador himself and has started his own group. Here are some photos of the first MBS group in Togo!