MBS Takes Effort But It Works!
Kenya. Daniel Omukonyi: When I began it seemed so hard. I was much discouraged but then I decided to give it a try and it worked.
Learning How to Be Financially Healthy
Brazil. I’m Luana Mayara Diniz, 37, an educator and social leader in my community. I work in education as CEO of the EducAÇÃO Institute, where we offer educational support to our beneficiaries, reading workshops, writing books, cultural exchange, capoeira workshops and sustainability.
On the Road to Business Success
Ivory Coast. Salomé Lousie Sabine Téhoua: Thanks to the MBS course, I’ve transformed my café-resto into a more profitable business. The strategies I learned have boosted my sales and increased customer loyalty. Effective expense management optimized my profits.
Amid Many Challenges, She Finds Hope with MBS
Columbia. Crysttal Natasha Seguel Perez: My success story is still in process: I was introduced to the Interweave platform and that opened my vision at a time where I thought there was no hope. I moved to Colombia a little over a year ago with my fiancé. Here we got married and we are forming our life in the city of Palmira.
MBS Helped Her Broaden Her Perspective of Life
India. Hi everyone, this is Vaishali Peter. I am 23 years old and suffering from Wilson’s Disease. For those who don’t know about it, it is a genetically threatening brain disorder. For 6 years, I have been fighting this. I have always been good at baking, my mother told me this. People like me have a limited amount of employment opportunities. So, I have decided to choose this idea as my business point.
Fulfilling His Desire to Be a Successful Entrepreneur
DRC. Mulunda Kiswabantuk Langevain Pascal: I’ve always had a strong desire to learn about entrepreneurship! I even downloaded and received gifts of manuals that spoke of entrepreneurship. One day I received a request from a friend to join the MBS group to fulfill my desire to be trained in business administration. From the beginning of the course, I was moved by the training that helped me leave my time of accelerated failure in my business because of the lack of mastery of business administration.
The MBS Course Is a Key Step to Professional Growth
Bolivia. Estefani Arispe Llacsa: My parents started a business of fish breeding. We sell them when they weigh from 800 grams to 1 kilos. In the beginning we only had 3 pools to do the breeding but after 2 years we increased 5 pools and currently we have 12 pools; each one is already planted and we harvest fish about 5 times a year. The MBS organization was a great help for me: it not only provided me with specialized knowledge, but also leadership skills and strategic analysis that have been fundamental to me.
Putting skills into practice
Cape Verde – I’m Aline Tavares, a Cape Verdean with a degree in Philosophy from the University of Cape Verde and a degree in Public Administration from the Polytechnic University of Macau. I’m currently studying for a master’s degree in Business Administration. I am concerned about the development of my community and I want to contribute more and more to this process.
She Learned to Protect Her Profits
Dominican Republic. Maria Virginia Gomez Jimenez: My business started off on the right foot, but after a while my profits started to diminish. But when I joined the MBS course, I understood that I was using my profits to pay for credit cards and giving my son money for school and that money was an asset that was not producing for me.
Thriving with the Influence of MBS principles
Kenya. Benedict Oruko: MBS course has been very influential in my life. Since I started this course, I have had financial stability. My businesses have been performing very well.
Learning and using MBS in business
Portugal. I’m Elga Chitombi, an independent beauty consultant. Before I started working as a beauty consultant, I used to sell hair products, but I had no idea how to run a business and so I wasn’t very successful.
MBS Course Saved Her Business
Ghana. Rebecca Awinbila: I had this business idea in mind and I didn’t know how to start. I got a capital and invested it into selling dressing accessories but because of poor management practices, I lost my capital. I wanted to close up my business then I started taking the MBS course; it has really helped me.
Since the MBS Course, She Is Progressing in Life
Mexico. Hi, I’m Alexa Gómez Guzmán, I’m 24 years old. I’m from San Juan del Rio, Queretaro. I finished my studies up to high school. I was a little confused because I didn’t know what I wanted to do or study. So I approached Dr. Lizbeth, who gave me the necessary tools to know my interests and skills by taking a personal development test. Based on this, she allowed me to discover the skills at which I excelled so I could carry out a successful business.
Ideas Come Out of Her Closet
Brazil. Katherine Miranda Pacheco. I’ve been working as a banking correspondent for over 20 years, with a loyal clientele and an established store, but one that no longer satisfies me. At the same time, I developed another business, AcheiVagas Cursos Técnicos e Profissionalizantes, with the mission of training young people for the job market by referring them to vacancies in partner companies.
The MBS Course Solidified His Aspirations
Republic of Congo. Hello I am Mr. Brianni Koubembas , I am originally from the Republic of Congo , a Central African country, currently I live in the USA in the State of Utah. city of Orem . It’s in this city that I took my MBS courses online for nearly a month and a week; I knew Interweave Solutions since I was in my country but it was difficult to access its content because I had no knowledge on how to do it.
MBS Helped Me Stabilize My Business
DR Congo. Vanessa Mupela: When I was running my business without entrepreneurial training, I was making losses and my business wasn’t stable. At one point I even closed my business for a long time and my products went out of date. I gave myself another chance to open my own business and then an MBS Ambassador told me about this online course and I decided to take it.