Alcoholic or Entrepreneur?
Quito, Ecuador. Don Luis cleans and shines shoes on the street, making between 7-8 dollars a day. For many years, he has used a good portion of this money to satisfy his alcohol addiction. However, as he recently began taking the MBS course offered to him by a fellow street vendor, he realized the importance of saving money and has significantly reduced his alcohol consumption. Not only does he have more money to invest in his business and meet his personal needs, but this change of lifestyle has played a role in improving his home life and family relationships.
MoreFrom skeptical to successful
Lagos, Nigeria. Victoria is married to a Success Ambassador. She watched her husband facilitate self-reliance groups and she was a witness to the success he had in helping people start and grow their businesses. She was never opposed to the program, but she “never took it seriously” either; she just didn’t feel any connection. Then, after some complications in her own business, she found herself in financial crisis. She reached out to a local micro-finance bank, hoping to receive enough funding to save her business and help provide for her family. But when the bank asked for a copy of her cashflow statement, she had nothing to show. She knew this was something her husband taught regularly in his MBS courses, so she sought his assistance.
MoreCoping with Conflicting Beliefs
Nigeria. Yusuf Bala received a degree in Business Administration from Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic, but had never been able to make ends meet. He says he had always been dependent on his brothers, but he wanted to provide for himself. He came across the MBS program and it looked like it could be the answer, but he worried because course was introduced in Nigeria through a notable Christian pastor and Yusuf was Muslim.
Colombia. Two important values at Interweave Solutions are “always improving” and “mutual respect for all.” These two principles have taken on meaning as we’ve worked to weave them together through the MBS Jr. Program. Although the curriculum itself will not be released until later this year, we are excited to share the progress of a pilot group of youth this past month.
MoreCreating Family in Mali
Mali. Co-founder and Executive Director, Lynn Curtis, returned recently from a successful trip to Mali, where he trained a group of 26 native Malians in the MBS program. They have all submitted their paperwork and have been approved to receive their MBS certificates later in July. These humble and hardworking entrepreneurs worked for three days straight in temperatures reaching 107° F to receive the training necessary and complete their business, home and community plans.
MoreRapid Progress in Togo
Togo. A couple months ago we shared some pictures of the MBS group in Togo. Since that inicial push, we have seen incredible progress throughout Togo and just recently certified 7 more Success Ambassadors in the country! We are excited, both with the quantitative growth as well as the quality of dedicated and hardworking Success Ambassadors joining our international team! Here are some reasons why these great people wanted to become Success Ambassadors:
More2019 Convention
Ecuador. Last week members of our team gathered with Success Ambassadors from around the world for the second annual Interweave Convention. There were about 30 Success Ambassadors representing Colombia, Chile, Turkey, Ecuador and the Unites States. Through bonding activities and training workshops, Interweave partners were able to grow together and really come to appreciate each others’ efforts and sacrifices.
MoreThe First MBS Group in Togo
Lomé, Togo. Success Ambassadors in Benin have been training a man in the MBS course from the neighboring country of Togo. Now this participant has become a Success Ambassador himself and has started his own group. Here are some photos of the first MBS group in Togo!
Togo. Success Ambassadors in Benin have been training a man in the MBS course from the neighboring country of Togo. Now this participant has become a Success Ambassador himself and has started his own group. Here are some photos of the first MBS group in Togo!
MoreAlways Improving: Success Platform
Ecuador. Hernan is 74 years old and he is an MBS student in Ecuador. He had never before used a computer but through the patient mentorship of his Success Ambassador, he has learned basic technology skills. His Ambassador reports that Hernan “is making a great effort to advance in the Success Platform. He is motivated and we support him so that he can advance his progress. Hernan is an example for us all!”
MoreInspired by Cancer
Ecuador. “My name is Gueisel and I am 40 years old. My story begins when my husband was diagnosed with cancer and it brought a lot of sadness. Because of this trial, however, I began to sell desserts and empanadas y it turned out to be very successful. I sold 400 empanadas in two days. I never expected to sell so much and that’s when I decided to create my own business.
MoreLong Sought Success
Uganda. Margaret Nelson is a retired RN from Washington State. Throughout her career she gained experience in clinical and community health, working with refugees and low-income populations. These experiences prepared her to move to Africa after her retirement, where she served on short-term mission trips and worked in local health clinics. She decided she wanted to do more so she settled down in a small village in Uganda, started building herself a house and developing plans to make a difference in the lives of the people she was getting to know. She worked with a few different NGOs, including a few that she started on her own, but never found the success she was seeking.
MoreGraduation on the other side of the World
Cameroon. We are so excited about the progress we’ve made around the world and want to share some photos of one of our recent Success Ambassador graduations. Merlin Saha graduated as a Success Ambassador, but due to his remote location, we held his graduation ceremony via an online video conference. It was a great experience to remind us that there are no limitations or restrictions to the success of an individual. We adapt to the situations we are handed and when we do so we can achieve great things! Good work Merlin!
MoreMutual Respect for All
Ecuador. In every meeting at Interweave Solutions, we recite the “7 values”, which are crucial if we are to uphold our mission. The first of these values is one of the most important: Mutual Respect for All.
One Success Ambassador in Ecuador shows that she is willing to go out of her way to make sure everyone has an equal chance to benefit from the MBS program. As she started teaching the class, Ambassador Chio Zuñiga came in contact with the yard worker of one of her students. His name was Patricio. Because Chio is so passionate about the work she does with Interweave, she invited him to participate in her class. When he arrived, she noticed he was very quiet and to some degree seemed to have a learning disability. He didn’t know how to read, but carried an enthusiasm that ran deeper than his disadvantage.
MoreChickens in Uganda
Uganda. Ruth is an example of the success that can come from applying the principles of the MBS program, no matter where you are in the world. She has seen the 6P’s of business improve and grow her chicken business in many ways. Like all entrepreneurs, she started small, but now her business regularly houses over 2000 chickens and is constantly growing.
MoreThe First of Many
Cameroon. In June of last year, we posted on this blog about our newest Success Ambassador, Francky Adjomo, from Cameroon. In the last 7 months he’s been working hard to strengthen his MBS business and this month it finally paid off and he celebrated the graduation of his first self-reliance group! We are so excited to see him making such a difference in his community in Cameroon! Best of luck to Francky as he continues finding and training participants in the Masters of Business Program!
MoreA Pleasure to Help
Benin. Jean Ahowekoun and Charles Nouatin are our two newest Success Ambassadors in Benin! They were both certified as Success Ambassadors within the last few months and are already seeing progress in the groups they have started. They are working especially with a group of women, some of which don’t even have basic reading skills, but they report that the women are eager to learn and improve their lives!