MBS Supports Her Career Goals
Ghana. I am Abigail Kabukie Gyina-Bediako with a family of 4. I am the proud owner of KabCutie Event Services, where we prepare and serve local juices with a touch of love. I love selling and coaching, hence, my interest in the MBS course after it was introduced to me.
MBS Course Came Just in Time
South Africa. My name is Nigel Chirinda and I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I recently started a detergent manufacturing and selling business. It has been very challenging because of the coronavirus pandemic conditions which has not been favorable to businesses, especially startups. Regardless of these challenges, I pushed myself to start my detergent business.
With the Knowledge Gained from MBS Course Dreams Come True
Madagascar. I am Hina Vatosoa Kanton’ny Aina. My priority in life is to create my own business from my painting talent, which is very close to my heart. I started painting barely a year ago and have been able to exhibit my works on social media. It was very popular with people who sent me positive feedback in the comments and reactions.
Expounding Her Perspective
South Africa. Talent Matipira found her perspective and abilities have been expanded after completing the MBS program.
Balancing Business and Family Brings Joy
Argentina. My name is Gerardo Saavedra Martinez. I am 32 years old and currently live in Mexico, in the city of Queretaro to be exact. Approximately 8 years ago, I began a restaurant in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the time, the only things I understood about being an entrepreneur was to have my own business and to make the greatest possible effort to make it successful.
Growing Her Dreams in Columbia
Columbia. Yamile Cantillo. I took the MBS course because of its purpose of helping people with the desire to work and progress but lacked the knowledge needed to move forward.
He Who Does Not Plan, Has Planned His Failure
Peru. Ana Jasmin Paredes Zambran. I am grateful to my Father for this opportunity to take the MBS course and grateful to my mentor, Juan Chirinos, for encouraging me with his constant reminder that “He who does not plan, has planned his failure.”
Completing the MBS Course Worth the Effort
Angola. Edna had to balance her work with her MBS course training. But it was all worth it and she is now able to manage her business using what she learned from the MBS.
The MBS Course – Game Changer for His Career
Angola. Simão Pedro used his talents to grow professionally and support his community. Read what he says about MBS: “Each lesson was a game changer in my professional career and commitment to my community”
MBS Program Has Been Life Changing
Ghana. My name is Maurice Divine. I am a 30 year old Advertising Copywriter based in Accra, Ghana. My experience with the program has been life changing. Before taking the course, I was very wasteful in every aspect of my life. I was constantly in debt and my business was not improving. However, since I started applying the MBS principles in my personal life and business, I have noticed a significant improvement in my life. I save regularly, prioritize my day to achieve goals set for the day, now serve in my community and so much more. I feel like I am finally in charge of my life.

Learning Respect for My Customers and Myself
Honduras. My name is Glenda Patricia Cabrera; I am a 48-year-old married woman with 2 beautiful daughters. The Lord has allowed me to have the opportunity to take care of other 4 nephews that are like my children. I have incorporated them in my business so that they start learning about running businesses. I have worked in different places and God willing; it has allowed me to learn from every home. There is no limit of age to keep learning, I hope to become a businesswoman so the day that I am gone I can leave my children with a valuable gift, not only with financial gains but also knowing how to become an entrepreneur.
MBS Program Gave Him Needed Knowledge
Zimbabwe. “I enjoyed the fact that the course looks at all aspects of life and provides a balanced approach that stimulates growth from all angles.“
My name is Tendai, I was born to a family of eight being the fourth born, my family has always had values that have helped me to as I grew. I grew up n a farm were it was kind of a family community, everyone knew everyone. I attended primary school at St James Craig School and my secondary at St Peter Clever Secondary, and Tafara Two High in Tafara. After finishing my ‘O’ Levels, I failed to get the resources to pursue my education and I tried to make a living for myself. Around 1997, I made a decision to go and serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Changing Course and Finding Greater Satisfaction
Brazil. Arlete changed her career to have more time with her family. As a result, she was able to complete her MBS and now she wants to become a Success Ambassador.
Finding Ways to Help Others
“(…) the MBS course from Interweave Solutions gave me an even clearer vision of how I can serve the community (…)”
My name is Pedro Henrique Baptista de Oliveira, from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. In 1996 I started my path in the food industry by taking a course in the area, from a school called Escola Técnica Federal de Química do Rio de Janeiro. At the end of the course, I decided to expand my knowledge and I got another degree in Food Engineering from Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV-MG).
Things we can learn through the MBS
Peru. “At first it was difficult for me to understand the Master of Business in the Streets (MBS) course, but overtime I was able to learn how business management can help through savings, family, and how one can help others without neglecting one’s own business.
Finding Opportunities to Improve Through the MBS
Bolivia. My name is Brenda Echeverría. From a very young age, I was very independent and I consider myself a humble and responsible person. I recently graduated with a degree in business administration and I work as temporary personnel, generally in marketing companies. Last year I started looking for permanent jobs. Unfortunately, these jobs ask for years of experience. Because of so, I decided to participate in the Master of Business in the Streets (MBS) program.