With America and the world confronting the greatest refugee crisis since World War II, the need for effective solutions is greater than ever. Interweave’s unique tools –Success in Business, ABC’s of Business and English for Business Success – offer viable alternatives for refugees and immigrants in America and sites around the world to become self-reliant.
In camps, community agencies, second-language classes, and neighborhood groups, Interweave training and materials in English, Arabic, French, Spanish and Portuguese are helping refugees and immigrants to increase income, strengthen their families and contribute to their new communities. Participants learn and work together in native-language and second-language programs to start and grow their own small businesses and solve local programs.
In America, Interweave enables organizations from Salt Lake City, Utah to Syracuse, New York to develop programs customized to reach the unique circumstances of a wide range of refugee and immigrant clients. These program work within a variety of setting such as Somalian, Congolese and Sudanese refugees in a church discussion circle, Iraqi women refugees in an inner-city library, Syrian parents in a neighborhood association, multi-ethnic populations in English as second-language classes, and immigrant clients at a community food pantry.
Outside the US, the program is targeting refugees in camps, centers and neighborhood groups in Morocco, Jordan, Iraq, Uganda, Cameroon, and Congo. In these settings, participants form mutual support groups, master business skills and work together to learn, earn and serve. Many achieve Interweave’s Masters of Business in the Streets (MBS) Certificate as they create successful enterprises.
Organizations that reach out to refugees and immigrants are invited to check out Interweave’s materials and training. Interweave can show you how to easily adapt effective self-reliance curriculum and training to your program’s clients and goals. And if you want to help, consider volunteering or donating. A $10 donation will cover the cost of a full scholarship for a refugee to complete the Interweave program. A contribution of any size will make a difference.