From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

The Story of Benin
Benin. In July of 2017, Mr. Kazotti Ifonti of Benin, Africa traveled to Ghana where he met our current Success Ambassador, Saida Zouzou. Mr. Kazotti learned about the Interweave Solutions MBS program and was immediately interested in bringing the program back to his home country. Back in Benin, he began the MBS program online. He began to invite other people from his personal network. Briac Afangnon and Isidore Odountan also began the MBS course online. The men all graduated successfully from the MBS program and went on to each receive their Success Ambassador Certificate.
Today, Mr. Kazotti, Mr. Agangnon, and Mr. Odountan have established their own legal NGO, Interweave Solutions Benin. Not only are they are mentoring participants from Kenya through our online system, they each have their own self-reliance group of participants who are working towards their MBS certification.
Their other current projects include creating a proposal for their meeting with the First Lady of Benin, partnering with LDS Charities West Africa, and translating all of our manuals and online materials into a more native French.
They are each amazing men who caught the Interweave Vision and are on their way to great success. We are very grateful for their hard work and tireless efforts to improve.
Along with their hard work, they are also facing a problem. Interweave Solutions Benin wants to offer the program to clients who are properly prepared with skill training and great potential. However, some of the single mothers and other vulnerable members of their clientele in the area have great business ideas and desire to receive the self-reliance training but do not have the means to pay for the MBS course. They are looking for scholarships for these clients so that they will be able to receive the life-changing MBS self-reliance training.
If you are interested in helping the Interweave Solutions Benin project, please make a donation today! Anywhere from a $25 donation could not only change somebody’s life but also help them reach their true potential. Those who receive financial aid will be pre-qualified individuals who have proven themselves to be worthy qualifiers of the scholarship.
If you at this time cannot make a donation, we ask that you please share this story on social media so that we can fulfill our mission providing self-reliance and business training for those in need. The more people that know about the campaign and donate, the more people that can become MBS graduates and Success Ambassadors around the world, thus eradicating poverty around the world.