From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

Mutual Respect for All
Ecuador. In every meeting at Interweave Solutions, we recite the “7 values”, which are crucial if we are to uphold our mission. The first of these values is one of the most important: Mutual Respect for All.
One Success Ambassador in Ecuador shows that she is willing to go out of her way to make sure everyone has an equal chance to benefit from the MBS program. As she started teaching the class, Ambassador Chio Zuñiga came in contact with the yard worker of one of her students. His name was Patricio. Because Chio is so passionate about the work she does with Interweave, she invited him to participate in her class. When he arrived, she noticed he was very quiet and to some degree seemed to have a learning disability. He didn’t know how to read, but carried an enthusiasm that ran deeper than his disadvantage.
Chio has always worked hard to make everyone feel included in her groups, but Patricio was a unique case. It was difficult for him to understand all of the business concepts, but Chio found that if she stayed after class to explain the ideas in a simpler way, he would give thoughtful answers and could commit to action steps. For example, numbers and records can get complicated, but the principles of spending less than you earn and not stealing from your business are much easier to visualize. Chio said “he understands the concepts when he feels our genuine concern.”
Thanks to the support of a caring Success Ambassador as well as that of his peers, Patricio now has a name and logo for his car repair business and his group is working on helping him strengthen his social media presence. “It’s just the result of loving what we do in this program,” Chio commented. We hope that everywhere Interweave is present, the world can clearly see the value of the individual and the potential we each have when treated as equals and given opportunity, despite our differences.