From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

Colombia. Two important values at Interweave Solutions are “always improving” and “mutual respect for all.” These two principles have taken on meaning as we’ve worked to weave them together through the MBS Jr. Program. Although the curriculum itself will not be released until later this year, we are excited to share the progress of a pilot group of youth this past month.
Mauricio Gomez, Success Ambassador in Colombia, facilitated a group of 42 youth ages 9-18 and said it was a very special experience. He is passionate about the idea of MBS Jr. because he has seen the high levels of unemployment among youth in Latin America and has noticed that the few who can find jobs are often exploited by their employees because they don’t have enough experience. He believes that between 15-24 years old is the ideal time to become an entrepreneur because “they aren’t afraid of it, they don’t have as many family obligations and they are willing to learn and adapt as necessary.”
Mauricio also had the privilege of training his own daughter in the MBS course.
“It was very special for me to be able to convey to Melisa the message that she is in charge of her own life. She doesn’t need to depend on a job to support herself when she is an adult, but she has a choice and if she wants to be employed, it is because she decided that for herself and not because it is the only option she knows.
“I believe that one of the most important skills that a young person should acquire is to learn to “sell”, either as a person, as a business or as an idea, so it made me very happy to see her [gain] the basic knowledge necessary to choose what she really wants to do with her life. It also made me feel very proud to see her graduate from a program I believe in so much. That is so special to me.”
We are thrilled about the progress and excitement of our team for the MBS Jr. curriculum to be released in the near future!