From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors
Coping with Conflicting Beliefs
Nigeria. Yusuf Bala received a degree in Business Administration from Nuhu Bamali Polytechnic, but had never been able to make ends meet. He says he had always been dependent on his brothers, but he wanted to provide for himself. He came across the MBS program and it looked like it could be the answer, but he worried because course was introduced in Nigeria through a notable Christian pastor and Yusuf was Muslim.
After attending a few of the initial classes, members of Yusuf’s family found out that he was associated with this Christian group and thought it was an indication that he had been converted from their traditional Islam faith. Yusuf says, “When my eldest brother got to know about it… he was furious and told me to stop going. I told the brother who introduced me to Interweave… that I won’t be able to end the course with all of them. He was furious and went mad by telling me ‘Your destiny is in your hands, so you have a choice to decide.’ After missing two classes, I thought about the whole scenario and summoned the courage to attend class regularly.”
Yusuf reflects on the life-changing improvements he’s been able to make in his business and in his everyday life, due to the training of the MBS course. Most notably, he is thankful for the additional knowledge he gained regarding the 6Ps of business, keeping an income and expense log, cash flow projections and simply saving money daily. He says each of these principles is “a vital aspect that had broadened [his] knowledge on achieving in business.”
Yusuf graduated from the MBS course in June 2019, alongside his Christian friend who introduced him to the course. He is now “gainfully employed with the establishment of [his] own Cassava farm” and within the next few months is expecting to make significant profit with his first harvest. He reflects, “I am enjoying every bit of my new venture because I can see prosperous future in my new calling as a farmer, and the same brother of mine had been a pillar of encouragement since he saw the manual of the course and its contents.”
Thanks to supportive family, friends and Interweave team and a courageous personal decision, Yusuf was able to overcome difficult circumstances and reach outside his comfort zone in order to improve his home, business and community.
***Note: Interweave Solutions is not affiliated with nor do we promote any specific religious or political group.