From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

An unexpected miracle
Kenya. John Lutomia from Kenya prayed for 3 months to find a way to help his community before he found a Facebook ad promoting the Interweave Master of Business in the Streets program. He signed up for the course and fell in love with the curriculum. Wanting to do more, he continued his training to become a Success Ambassador (a facilitator or teacher of the MBS course to people in his local area). The Success Ambassador course requires that you facilitate and graduate a pilot group as a part of your training.
John Lutomia had at first invited 10 people, but he found out that about 30 people were wanting to come to the meeting. He decided to hold the meeting in a bigger venue so everyone could fit comfortably. To his surprise, on the opening day of his pilot group, 72 people showed up and attentively listened and participated.
The Master of Business in the Streets course doesn’t just change one life, our business model allows it to have an exponential growth and positively affect the lives of hundreds, even thousands.
Congratulations, John! May you continue blessing, serving and changing your community through this program!