From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

A Victory for Victor

Honduras. Victor Vega is 30 years old, lives in Honduras, and has a successful business that he runs with is wife. But that wasn’t always the case.
A few years ago he and his wife started their small baking business. Unfortunately, he had to work another job in order to make sufficient money for the family. The income from the baking business just didn’t make ends meet. His new job didn’t fulfill his expectations, but it gave them enough to survive. Victor wanted to help his wife with their shared business, so he would work nights making cakes and breads after working his other day job. They spent three years following this schedule.
A the end of 2019, Victor and his wife finally decided to dedicate themselves completely to growing and improving their baking business. These are his words:
“I quit my job, and we start to use social media and other surveys to learn how we could better our business. In January, I received an email from Interweave Solutions inviting me to participate in their (MBS) course. This course was a great help, because it taught me how to keep records, how to budget, how to study my competition, and above all it taught me that I have to give my ALL to the business if I want it to grow. Today, our business help us to be self-reliant, and our income is even higher than it was when I was working two jobs!”
Although Victor and his wife’s baking business is small, his victory is not. A big congratulations to Victor and his wife for giving their all to growing their business and making it better! You are both proof that the MBS course changes lives.