From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

Meet Fernando
Mexico. Fernando Mena Ruiz is from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. He has always tried to create a business but unfortunately he did not have the knowledge he needed in order to manage his business and expanses. He opened a store for which he had a lot of supplies but once again things did not work out. It wasn’t until he found the MBS course that he learned how to keep track of his inventory, learned how to save money and use his money wisely.
While taking the MBS course, Fernando decided to try starting a new business one last time. He bought pallets to sell. He had high hopes for his business and trusted that he now had the knowledge he once lacked so he bought a new freezer where he would be able to store the pallets in big quantities. He started advertising his product to his neighbors and was able to find a lot of success. His business has grown a lot since he first started it and he keeps seeing progress. He attributes his success to the things he learned in the MBS program with his success ambassador, Noemi Salazar. As Fernando says, “it is better to fail when trying to succeed, than to not succeed because of fear of failure.”