From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

Creating and Achieving our Goals Through the MBS
Guatemala. Hello, I am Byron Ramirez of Guatemala. This course helped me clarify my business goals. A lot of times people start life plans, but almost never have a defined strategic plan for how to achieve their goals. The MBS clarifies and organizes our ideas by motivating us to investigate more concerning our businesses and other similar businesses in our community. This way you can identify strengths and weaknesses and write short-term, long-term, and mid-term goals on how to improve.
I am Byron Ramirez, and I was born in a family of 8 siblings. My father died when I was 2 years old, and when I was 4 my mother decided to go to the USA to work so my family would have a better life. This was very difficult for us. Being a family of 8 children without a father, our family situation presented daily challenges. Four years later, my mother was able to bring us to the USA. Our family life always presented financial challenges but despite all of that we pushed forward. Out of my 8 siblings, 4 of us graduated while the other 4 did not because they did not put forth the effort to study. I am now 36 years old and married with 2 beautiful children. I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship and I have now started the installation of a water purifier with a friend of mine. The MBS gives us better planning to strengthen our business so that we can accomplish the goals we have laid out for ourselves.