From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

Turning an Idea Into Reality
Mexico. My name is Alan Joseph Cadena Juárez. I am 26 years old and am a Marketing graduate. About seven years ago, I decided to start a business. I had many ideas, but I did not have the necessary skills to open a business. While I was in the Marketing program, I found a job that sold coffee makers. At that moment, the idea to sell coffee consumables was born, since this store only sold coffee makers. I then found an Interweave Solutions ambassador who told me about a program that teaches individuals how to start a business to help them change their lives.
Much of the information I learned was very similar to my career. This program led me to understand the importance of finance. It also helped me to see how important it is to make informed decisions for our businesses. I also learned the importance of having balance in the 8 areas of wellness to be well rounded individuals. If there is an imbalance in one area there will be an imbalance in the other areas. One page is not enough to entirely explain who I am, but I would still like to share my experience and help other people grow. These steps can be applied to beginners as well as to those who already have a business. I would love for my story to be shared, especially because even though Mexico is better off than other places, it is also difficult here because of all the competition, lack of organization and knowledge that is not taught to the people. I am sure that in five years CREAM COFFEE will be consolidated and will be another company providing jobs, community help, and serving our clients. This is another success for Interweave Solutions.