From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

With the Knowledge Gained from MBS Course Dreams Come True
Madagascar. I am Hina Vatosoa Kanton’ny Aina. My priority in life is to create my own business from my painting talent, which is very close to my heart. I started painting barely a year ago and have been able to exhibit my works on social media. It was very popular with people who sent me positive feedback in the comments and reactions.
I did not have all the necessary materials for this but with my ambitions and my efforts to come up with small ideas, I was able to move forward and work hard. I was then able to get a contract to teach plastic art in a French school. This allowed me to buy myself new quality materials. My biggest phobia is the fear of not being successful, but the great thing about painting is that it has helped me overcome everything. In life you have to aim far and pursue your dreams with your own means. Never be afraid to dream big and move on. ” Dreams come true ”. The MBS course gave me a sense of responsibility and taught me that you can start from a small business to begin with. In addition, I have had a lot of knowledge that can improve my way of living. One thing that particularly touched me was learning to save money. Doing social work is really close to my heart for my personal development.