From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

MBS Turned His Hobby into a Successful Business
Madagascar. My name is Fameno, I am 18 years old, still living with my parents and I like to cook. Before I would cook just for the family and for fun without any idea that I can earn so much with it, and thanks to the MBS course, I learned that I can start my business and I only need my talent for it.
First, we studied 3 types of plans and it helped me a lot. Learning about saving also helped; we were always told to do it and it really changed me because I can start my small business with my small savings ne able to manage all of them well! Secondly, I applied everything so now I am already independent with my business because I don’t even need to ask my parents for funds. Above all, I can confirm that I have evolved since I took the course! Before I had my friends and family as my customers, now even people I don’t know buy my food thanks to my facebook page and thanks to the promotion I do all the time too. All this means that I have been very successful thanks to this course.