From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

The MBS course help me organize my life
Ivory Coast. I am Bilé N’dré Bérenger, a young graduate of Mines, Geology and Petroleum since 2015. Unfortunately after my internship in a mining company and then in an oil depot, I was confronted with a health concern, which required a costly surgical intervention of my spine, for a correction of the anomaly.
This allowed me to fully recover the use of my lower limbs. During my school career, precisely since the fourth grade in 2006, I started home-teaching for primary school students. At the beginning, I had only one student of CP1, who needed a very particular follow-up because of his IQ which was much lower than that of his comrades. He was our neighbor’s son. I was just starting out; at the results of their first exam, the child had the average points but was the best among the children of the neighborhood. This is how they sent their children to me so that I could follow them as well. This is where my passion started till today, and that did not prevent me from continuing my school studies. However, I lacked structure and organization, but thanks to the MBS program, I learned to better structure and organize myself. I learned to keep an account register, to do a Cash Flow Projection, especially to improve progressively by prioritizing the important areas of my life. Today I can say that thanks to this MBS program, I have set myself long and short term goals such as: having a salary and saving the company’s money without mixing it with my personal savings, investing in a productive asset and avoiding unnecessary fixed costs. So thanks to the MBS, I created a micro enterprise called “Performance Cours à Domicile” for home-teaching.