From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

Motivation to improve life and business
Brazil – My name is Elza Maria Alves Viana Santos, I am married and I have 4 children. I live in Forquilha, Ceará. I have a business which sells fine perfumery and food supplements, and this is a help to support my family’s income. I learned about the MBS program from Interweave Solutions through the Success Ambassador Isaias Santos, whom I am very grateful to, because this program has pushed my sales business even further.
Taking this course has changed me and gave me more motivation to live and to be, for sure, a person who will enjoy a life of self-reliance. This program has also changed me into a better person in my business and in my community. I have learned how to manage my business, increase my sales, and to get along better with my customers. I will definitely share this message with as many people as I can so that they can learn these principles as well. Thank you Interweave Solutions and thank you Ambassador Isaias Santos. Gratitude to all.