From Poverty to Prosperity through Self-reliance Groups!
Success Ambassador
What we do
We move people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self reliance groups.
MBS Graduates
Success Ambassadors

MBS – A Decision That Changed My Life
Angola. My name is Cristóvão Zango and I was born in 1991 in the small town of Luau, Angola. My parents had 6 children, so from an early age I got used to being surrounded by people. Because of the war, we moved to the Congo where I got my degree in Pedagogy in 2013. But as you may know, life for refugees is hard and we were very poor. Since my childhood my dream was to have money, travel, start a family and have my own business, so I wouldn’t work for anyone. After not being successful in several businesses I started to take an online course about importation, because I like to import things.
One day I was looking at Instagram and I saw the link for INTERWEAVE SOLUTIONS. I clicked and immediately I began talking to the instructor Cynthya about the course. I wanted to give up the MBS course to continue with the course on importing, but I decided to continue with the MBS. To avoid expenses, I gave up the importation course and I continued with the MBS. At the beginning it seemed to be very easy and I started to really enjoy the course because everything I was learning was affecting my life in some way. I started to think like an entrepreneur and not like a common person. And every time I visited my opponents, I saw the mistakes they were making. I realized that I was wasting time trying to do business without knowing how. I didn’t know that I should pay myself, and I made my sales on credit, not registering anything, and these mistakes only caused me to lose more money. Furthermore, I learned that I should respect and be kind to my customers, save money every day and improve my quality of life. The loan money must be used in our business and not to spend it on radio and telephone, for example. To be an entrepreneur, I must manage my time and never steal from my business. The course also helped me to think more about my community and I could see the experiences of some Success Ambassadors, and this motivated me even more. With everything I learned in MBS, my business selling fishing nets and accessories will improve and I will fulfill my dreams.
I am very thankful to INTERWEAVE SOLUTIONS and my instructor Cynthya for always being thorough and having patience to help me, because I don’t speak Portuguese very well, but she always understood me. I tell everyone that, try to become the person of your dreams. If you want to be the person of your dreams, this is the way, don’t give up! INTERWEAVE SOLUTIONS helps you to succeed in life. I have experienced various kinds of suffering but INTERWEAVE SOLUTIONS showed me the way to fulfill my dreams. I wish a lot of joy and success for those who decide to study with INTERWEAVE SOLUTIONS!