Success Ambassadors

Ndayisaba Alexandre

João Fortuna Jorge

Cumbaera Mário Celestino

Diogo Caudêncio Pedro

Paulina Simeão José

Pereira Orlando Pereira

Juscelina Angélica Frederico Libombo

Rabeca Maria António Cuna

Teodora Alfredo Mutombene

Dauce Antonio Melo

Lurdes Fundeine Chauque

Benta Sonia Nhanombe

Corsino Francisco Manhuca

Ester Enosse Marquee Macia

Nelson Jaquissone Chalala

Ali Manuel

Oliva Mario Catique Bvunza

Custodio Albino Banze

Jair Uamba

Nelson Felisberto Mutsando

Ana Filipe Dequerence

Nzoyihangaza Obede

Toitassei Sicreta

Mario Aurelio Pedro Ofumane

Adérico Afonso Grumbo

Moisés Fernando

Yampa Boblouinde Dimitri

Carlitos Filomena Damião

Lázaro Ruben Muzuana

Loila Constantino Manhiça

Manuel Felisberto Mponha
Impact of the MBS Course in Mozambique
Participants are asked to complete a self-assessment before and after taking the MBS course. The following report demonstrates the impact of the MBS course based on the results of the evaluations in Mozambique.
Agree/Disagree | Before/After
I have my own business. | 61% / 83%
I have a plan to improve my personal life. | 82% / 98%
I serve in my community. | 78% / 95%
I save money regularly. | 60% / 95%
My family spends less than we earn. | 43% / 87%
My family can afford the basic necessities of life. | 65% / 89%
I keep business records. | 50% / 94%
My business has improved because of the MBS course. | 0% / 97%
My income has increased because of the MBS course. | 0% / 97%
Success Stories

Masters in Mali
Mali. Co-founder of Interweave Solutions, Lynn Curtis, recently had the privilege of traveling to the great country of Mali. Upon his return, he had so many wonderful stories to share about the wonderful people he met and the experiences he was able to share with them. There were over 5 villages represented during the course trainings, reliance groups were started, a women’s association developed, and over 20 participants graduated from the MBS program.