Nigeria. My name is Adetoun Odugbesan. I’m a Nigerian but reside in South Africa. I’m a nail technician and a graduate of Bsc Economics Education. I’m married with 3 boys. I’m 43 years old. When I came to South Africa, I searched for jobs but couldn’t find any. I was advised to learn how to do nails and installation of eyelashes which I did and this has become my job currently.
I came across the MBS program online and decided to do the course. Taking this course is like an eye-opener for me. It has helped me to improve in all areas of my life. It touches every aspect of life. I have learnt to save a lot. I’ve learnt to manage my business and improve my skills. I learned to improve sales with different methods in order to make profits. Now I keep records of my business and know how much goes out and comes in. I’m excited to be an MBS participant. The most important part is that I have the opportunity to make money personally through this program. I’m glad I did the course.