Conoce a nuestro equipo
Junta Directiva
Dean Curtis
Lynn Curtis
Olga Treve
Rob Haertel
Ruth Vidaurre
Carolyn Hardman
Tim Whipple
Personal de oficina
Jonathan Reid
Collin Reid
Steve Bradford
Vanessa Lozano Hardman
Shaulee Curtis
Keaton Bennett
Vicky Stewart
Leonardo Gomez
Cade Curtis
Directores de Lenguas y Tecnología
Irina Guerrero
Diego Lizano
Briac Afangnon
Isidore Odountan
Camden Six
Exodus Esuku
Cythnya Freitas
Interweave Solutions is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and all donations to Interweave Solutions are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.