Ecuador. Dean Curtis, co-founder of Interweave Solutions recently traveled to South America to celebrate two exciting MBS Graduations in Ecuador and Colombia. Over 50 people in these two countries received their MBS Certifications! Our Success Ambassadors have been working hard to facilitate the progress of these participants along the road to self-sufficiency.
Jose Luis Reinoso, a Success Ambassador from Ecuador has been working hard for the past 5 months in a partnership with the Catholic church to train members of the local parishes. So far 91 students have graduated, 19 are currently taking the course and two more groups of 20 will be starting up this week. We are so happy for the many lives that are changing thanks to the dedication of our Success Ambassadors around the world. Interweave’s future with the Catholic Church looks so bright that Jose Luis is training 5 more Success Ambassadors in order to keep up with the work provided by 54 more parishes he’s coordinated with! Great work Carapungo!