Ecuador | EN

Alcoholic or Entrepreneur?
Quito, Ecuador. Don Luis cleans and shines shoes on the street, making between 7-8 dollars a day. For many years, he has used a good portion of this money to satisfy his alcohol addiction. However, as he recently began taking the MBS course offered to him by a fellow street vendor, he realized the importance of […]

Always Improving: Success Platform
Ecuador. Hernan is 74 years old and he is an MBS student in Ecuador. He had never before used a computer but through the patient mentorship of his Success Ambassador, he has learned basic technology skills. His Ambassador reports that Hernan “is making a great effort to advance in the Success Platform. He is motivated […]

Inspired by Cancer
Ecuador. “My name is Gueisel and I am 40 years old. My story begins when my husband was diagnosed with cancer and it brought a lot of sadness. Because of this trial, however, I began to sell desserts and empanadas y it turned out to be very successful. I sold 400 empanadas in two days. I […]

Mutual Respect for All
Quito, Ecuador. In every meeting at Interweave Solutions, we recite the “7 values”, which are crucial if we are to uphold our mission. The first of these values is one of the most important: Mutual Respect for All. One Success Ambassador in Ecuador shows that she is willing to go out of her way to make […]

Moving forward in Ecuador
Carapungo Ecuador. Dean Curtis, co-founder of Interweave Solutions recently traveled to South America to celebrate two exciting MBS Graduations in Ecuador and Colombia. Over 50 people in these two countries received their MBS Certifications! Our Success Ambassadors have been working hard to facilitate the progress of these participants along the road to self-sufficiency. Jose Luis […]

Never Too Young: The youngest MBS participant
Santo Domingo, Ecuador. May Rodriguez became a Success Ambassador and brought along her 9 year-old daughter, Ghia, to all the classes she taught. After watching three different groups graduate, Ghia decided that she too wanted to take the class and start her own business. She is currently participating in her mom’s MBS class and completing all […]

Sweet Inspiration: A hobby to a thriving business
Ecuador. Maria Elena had always loved making desserts but because she never had experience she threw out more damaged dough than she baked. Then suddenly one day, the bread she was making turned out so well that her neighbors asked her if she sold it. She knew it was not a coincidence that in her next […]