MBS Certificates: 998
MBS JR Certificates: 0
Success Ambassadors

Gabriel Rojas

Fernando Castro
Andrea Cisneros
Amalia Apaza
Helga Bilbao
Jacqueline Alcántara
Claudia Ampuero
Fabio Aruquipa
Janeth Mendoza Santillan
Viviam Paola Aviles Davila
Mariana Jorge
Marianela Balboa
Vivian Aviles
Lila Alvarez Yujra
Edwin Mollinedo
Wilder Galarza
Luis Fernando Ilaquita Fernandez
Marco Antonio Suarez
Impact of the MBS course in Bolivia
Participants are asked to complete a self-evaluation before and after completing the MBS course. The following report demonstrates the impact of the MBS course based on the evaluation results in Bolivia.
Agree/Disagree | Before/After
I have my own business. | 56% / 81%
I have a plan to improve my personal life. | 47% / 82%
I serve in my community. | 43% / 76%
I save money regularly. | 47% / 77%
My family spends less than we earn. | 55% / 68%
My family can afford the basic necessities of life. | 79% / 82%
I keep business records. | 42% / 79%
My business has improved because of the MBS course. | 0% / 90%
My income has increased because of the MBS course. | 0% / 90%
Bolivia Success Stories

Now I Can Achieve My Goals
Brazil. Eliana Santos – I’m a nurse who graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP), and I specialize in mental health. I work in hard-to-reach places with the street population and crack users. In Brazil, despite so many issues, many vulnerable people still receive improvement action and help from the government. When I visited the Hulene B Landfill in Mozambique, I realized that there is nothing there and at the same time there is everything.
The MBS Course Is a Key Step to Professional Growth
Bolivia. Estefani Arispe Llacsa: My parents started a business of fish breeding. We sell them when they weigh from 800 grams to 1 kilos. In the beginning we only had 3 pools to do the breeding but after 2 years we increased 5 pools and currently we have 12 pools; each one is already planted and we harvest fish about 5 times a year. The MBS organization was a great help for me: it not only provided me with specialized knowledge, but also leadership skills and strategic analysis that have been fundamental to me.
The MBS Program is Rewarding.
Bolivia. Marco Valenzuela: It has been very rewarding to take this course, I loved the simple methodology of learning to create a business plan that helps even people who are only high school graduates.
She Is Now Her Own Boss
Bolivia. My name is Virginia, I am a young woman from the rural area, and since I was very young, I believed in working and having a boss; that is how it was. Until the MBS program that modeled another way of getting money for our survival.